Before you start
This survey is aimed at each one of the managing team members of a technological startup. It will help you to evaluate your startup and assess what still needs to be done.
To ask yourself the right questions is the first step to finding the solution. These statements have been formulated in a clear and simple way to allow you to answer instinctively.
You must answer this survey alone. If other team members would like to give their opinion, they can take it independently. Once you have filled in the survey, you will be offered the opportunity to invite other collaborators to also take the survey.
How does the self-evaluation survey work ?
How it will unfold and how long it will take you
- 250 statements will be submitted to you. You will have the possibility to choose how many statements you wish to have per page. For each statement you must choose the answer that is the most appropriate to your startup’s current situation.
- You can take as long as you need to complete the survey, but is important that you do not interrupt yourself to ensure a continuous flow of answers. However if you need to interrupt the survey, your answers will be saved to allow you to complete the survey later.
- Please allow between 30 and 45 minutes to complete the whole survey.
To answer each statement
- For each statement, please choose your answer, among those suggested (one answer possible).
- Once your answer is chosen, you will automatically be moved on to the next statement, therefore you will not be able to come back and modify your previous answers.
- The relevance of your report will depend on the authenticity of your answers. Answer according to your current situation whilst still keeping an open and objective mind. Do not try and look for any coherence in your answers as it may lead to an exaggerated report which may not reflect the reality of your situation.
- There is no right or wrong answer. Each statement concerns a business area in which you are involved. It will appear as a global ensemble on the final graphs. It is therefore pointless to try and anticipate what your graphs would look like if you changed an answer.
- It is very important that you answer every single question to allow us to get a global view of your situation.
- Your results will be presented as graphs and will help you identify what you have already done and what still needs to be achieved for your startup
- There will then be a restitution in two parts : a first one through 4 growth indicators (financing, partnerships, organisation, growth), a second viewing will be a detailed 12-point analysis.
- Keeping in mind the idea of a « photograph » of the current situation of your startup, you will have access to your results for 2 months from the day you register.